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Set the tone for community worship by welcoming at the door, at the Welcome Center [...]
Knit 3, Purl 3 to create shawls that are given to any who need love [...]
For more than 20 years, the quilters have provided quilts for baptism celebrations and for [...]
First Presbyterian is an Earth Care Congregation advocating for creation care and environmental justice. The volunteers behind [...]
Save your coins and bring them to First Presbyterian. The last Sunday of each month [...]
Food collection is an ongoing ministry at First Presbyterian Church. Non-perishable food is collected in [...]
First Friday Dinner The First Presbyterian Hunger and Homeless Task Force with the help of [...]
Feeding those in need. First Presbyterian volunteers donate, cook and serve meals every fourth Thursday [...]
Investing in the lives of children who are English language learners. Doing homework, playing games, [...]
A ministry to low-income children in the Bend Thurston neighborhood. Sharing life with these children [...]
Kits For Kids: providing the basics for homeless youth. Sponsored by Presbyterian Women, Kits For [...]
The church library provides a wide selection of resources for persons of all ages and [...]