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My parents, who are in Toronto Canada where I was born and raised, encouraged me to find a church. My dad found the music of the Praise Team and how it was similar to the praise band at my church in Toronto. I came and the first service I was at, I felt so welcome, Steven greeted me, I spoke with him a couple times and when I met Jenny she knew my name is Hungarian. After that, I kept coming and became a member of the Praise Team.
After a few months I left the Praise Team due to a class conflict but knew I wanted to keep coming to First Pres. I’m in an after care program and part of the program is community service. For it, I really wanted to work with youth so I contacted Jenny, we met and she put me in touch with Caitlyn. I then started working with the youth every Wednesday.
Young people are so inspiring; I get a rush out of feeling like I’m actually making a difference. When you know they’re looking up to you, it’s incredible how fulfilling it has been. I went on the high school Seattle mission trip and it gave me a new perspective on life, doing the service and seeing the world through that lens. It’s helped me set highter standards for myself and who I want to be and be with. I’ve become “an older adopted sister” to one of the youth and through my relationship with her and the other youth, I’ve gotten to put my work for the past year to use for something beyond myself. There is so much here, so much happening, so many ways to help . . .
~Sari Pandy