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Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Posted: Thu, Feb 7, 2019
We finished the financial year of 2018 at essentially break-even for the year at $-2879 (0.003% of total income). Total income for 2018 was $913,149 (99% of budget). Pledges that were promised in 2018 were paid above 100% of their amount pledged. Amazing! I remain humbled and inspired by the extraordinary generosity of our congregation. [...]

Rev. Dr. Steven Koski

We finished the financial year of 2018 at essentially break-even for the year at $-2879 (0.003% of total income). Total income for 2018 was $913,149 (99% of budget). Pledges that were promised in 2018 were paid above 100% of their amount pledged. Amazing!

I remain humbled and inspired by the extraordinary generosity of our congregation. Every year we open our hearts to God asking, “What is the work of love that is ours to do this year?” Every year we include a Faith Factor in our budget. We believe God asks us to dream big and reach beyond our resources that we might depend on God. We believe God asks us to be led by faith and not by fear. We seek to balance faithful risk-taking and responsible financial stewardship. Financial statements are an expression of your faithfulness. What financial statements don’t include are the countless stories of lives that were deeply impacted in 2018 by the love of Christ because of your generosity.

So, again, as your pastor I say THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! I am grateful to God for calling me to such a generous people who inspire me daily.

We are off to a strong and exciting start to 2019. It is never too late to receive financial pledges for 2019. I would encourage and ask you to consider online giving and monthly bank withdrawals as forms of giving. The consistency of this kind of giving is helpful. In addition to your ongoing generosity, there is one simple way you can impact the financial health of our church – MAKE IT A PRACTICE TO INVITE OTHERS TO CHURCH.

It is not the preaching, programs, music or anything else that are the catalysts to someone choosing to visit a church. There is one major factor…THEY ARE INVITED.

How do people start attending church?
A Friend Invited Me 86%
Organized Visitation 6%
Invited By The Pastor 6%
Advertising 2%

I recently read that the average church member invites someone to church once every nine years. Yes, you read that right…once every nine years! One of the best gifts you can give to your church is to tell others about your church and invite them to join you.

This Sunday I’ll be telling a fishing story, the story that changed my life and led me to decide to be a pastor, and I’ll share three simple prayers we need to pray every day. Join us. Invite someone to join you. I promise you won’t regret it.

I remain ever grateful to serve you and serve with you,


A Note From Boyd, Our Finance Director

January Financial Report

The income/expense picture nearly broke even in the first month of the year. Income came in at $69,359 with expenses at $70,746. Total cash in checking and savings was $298,101. Total donor-directed funds stood at $222,236. Subtracting the latter from the former shows $75,865 in available cash reserves. FPC’s remaining building loan is now down to $76,429. The operating budget continues to faithfully pay down the loan with payments each month. A comprehensive compilation of the January financials is available for all to read in the Session notebook, located in the church office. I am available to answer questions and delighted to visit. Boyd Levet – Finance Director. [email protected]. Office: 541 382 4401.