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Bread For The World is involved in governmental advocacy for those who are hungry. Learn [...]
Make a difference in the life of a Habitat family, donate to Habitat For Humanity, shop [...]
Donate warm clothing, sleeping bags and tents in the gray tub in the hallway across [...]
Some of the organizations that are feeding folks every day need your time and money: Family [...]
Our grocery carts here in The Commons at First Presbyterian are waiting to be filled [...]
Bend Community Center has run out of its firewood supply. Many elderly and homeless rely [...]
A team of volunteers organizing opportunities to pursue peace and justice in our world. They [...]
Joining Hands Bolivia Through Cascades Presbytery and the Presbyterian Hunger Program, First Presbyterian is partnered with UMAVIDA a [...]
Partnering with a church in Placetas. Our long-term relationship with the church in Cuba provides [...]
small change, giant leap >> Go beyond Bend to San Lucas Tolimån, a Guatemalan town [...]
Artistic volunteers and those who consider themselves not artistic, work closely with the pastors to [...]
We are always in need of help with coffee after morning services including the pick [...]