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Again and Again
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Again and Again…This Lent will mark the one year anniversary of when the world turned upside down. Our lives continue to get upended again and again. Again and again, we come to God with broken hearts and weary souls.
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What a year it has been. So much grief, so much struggle. So many tears. As we approach Easter, we dare to lean into this promise that our tears, the darkness, the suffering, even death itself does not have the last word. Join us as we celebrate hope on Easter Sunday as we journey together, trusting God, again and again, comes to us first, no matter where we find ourselves. At First Presbyterian, you will meet people at many different places theologically and spiritually. And we love it that way.…
This week, “Again and Again…We are Reformed”, with Rev. Kally Elliott. Scripture: John 12.20-23 About the series: AGAIN AND AGAIN…This Lent will mark the one year anniversary of when the world turned upside down. Our lives continue to get upended again and again. Again and again, we come to God with broken hearts and weary souls. We come to God in this season of Lent trusting God, again and again, comes to us first, no matter where we find ourselves. Join us each Sunday as we journey together, trusting God,…
Again and Again…We Draw Courage, with Rev. Dr. Steven Koski. Scripture: Matthew 21.1-11 This Lent will mark the one year anniversary of when the world turned upside down. Our lives continue to get upended again and again. Again and again, we come to God with broken hearts and weary souls. We come to God in this season of Lent trusting God, again and again, comes to us first, no matter where we find ourselves. Join us as we journey together, trusting God, again and again, comes to us first, no…
March 14th, Again and Again: God Loves First with Rev. Morgan Schmidt. Scripture: John 3.16, 1 John 3:16, 1 John 4 This Lent will mark the one year anniversary of when the world turned upside down. Our lives continue to get upended again and again. Again and again, we come to God with broken hearts and weary souls. We come to God in this season of Lent trusting God, again and again, comes to us first, no matter where we find ourselves. Join us as we journey together, trusting God,…
Again and Again: Call to Worship
March 7th, Again and Again: We are Shown the Way with Rev. Dr. Steven Koski. Scripture John 2.13-22. This Lent will mark the one year anniversary of when the world turned upside down. Our lives continue to get upended again and again. Again and again, we come to God with broken hearts and weary souls. We come to God in this season of Lent trusting God, again and again, comes to us first, no matter where we find ourselves.
Again and Again: We Are Called to Listen, with Rev. Dr. Steven Koski. A Spacious Christianity at First Presbyterian Church of Bend. Scripture: Mark 8. 31 – 9.8 About the series: Again and Again… This Lent will mark the one year anniversary of when the world turned upside down. Our lives continue to get upended again and again. Again and again, we come to God with broken hearts and weary souls. Join us as we journey together, trusting God, again and again, comes to us first, no matter where we…
Again and Again: God Meets Us, with Rev. Kally Elliott. Scripture: Mark 1.9-15 About the series: Again and Again… This Lent will mark the one year anniversary of when the world turned upside down. Our lives continue to get upended again and again. Again and again, we come to God with broken hearts and weary souls. Join us as we journey together, trusting God, again and again, comes to us first, no matter where we find ourselves.