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BEatitudes of Jesus – Ancient Wisdom for a New Normal
In this time of disruption and before we rush to return to normal, we need to use this disruption to reassess which parts of normal are worth returning to. We are awakening to the reality that what we have experienced as normal is a big part of the problem. We begin a new summer sermon series on the “BEatitudes of Jesus – Ancient Wisdom for a New Normal.”
The Beatitudes of Jesus are eight wisdom sayings that stand at the beginning of Jesus’ sermon on the hill. They are not moral teachings or a self-help plan as they are soulful riddles that invite us into a new way of being in the world, a way that is more in harmony with God and the world as God intended it. These Beatitudes call for another way forward creating a world our children and our children’s children will want to inhabit.
The Beatitudes of Jesus are eight wisdom sayings that stand at the beginning of Jesus’ sermon on the hill. They are not moral teachings or a self-help plan as they are soulful riddles that invite us into a new way of being in the world, a way that is more in harmony with God and the world as God intended it. These Beatitudes call for another way forward creating a world our children and our children’s children will want to inhabit.