Lent Sermon Series
Jesus said, “Blessed are the peacemakers.” How do we live out that calling as people of faith in a world immersed in conflict; in an election year fueling division and polarization; in a society that continues to bleed from the wounds of unhealed racism; in a society where there is an epidemic of gun violence; and in the everyday conflicts we encounter in our families, workplaces and communities? During this season of Lent, we will explore the radical vision of peacemaking that Jesus embodied throughout Holy Week, the last week of his life and how we might live every day in the peacemaking way of Jesus.
Ash Wednesday Services
Join us on Wednesday, February 14th at either 12PM or 7PM in the sanctuary. Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the Season of Lent. Join us for worship as empty ourselves of those things that are life-denying and soul-destroying that there might be room for the movement of the Spirit that makes all things new.
Poetry, Peace & Prayer Zoom Devotionals M-F beginning Feb. 14 through March, 29th 8AM-8:30AM on Zoom. Join Pastor Steven for a time of poetry and reflection. E-mail [email protected] for Zoom Link.
Lenten Supper & Book Discussion Join us for dinner and a discussion about the book, Beating Guns Hope for People Who are Weary of Violence, by Shane Claiborne and Michael Martin as we wonder how we might follow Jesus in the way of peacemaking. You can also use this LINK to purchase. We will be meeting Thursdays, March 7, 14, 21 from 6-7:30pm in Heritage Hall.
Please register using the following link: https://forms.gle/NZR1rxK7xq1ztLhv8
Maundy-Thursday Open Space from 5:30pm – 7pm. Join us for an open space as we remember the night Jesus was betrayed. There will be prayer stations inviting us to encounter and remember Jesus sharing a last meal with his friends, washing the disciple’s feet as an act of humility and servanthood, and praying in the garden wrestling with God’s will. You are invited to come any time between 5:30pm and 7pm and stay as long as you like engaging in any or all of the prayer stations.
Good Friday Join us Friday, March 29th @ 7PM on this sacred night as we gather at the foot of the cross and encounter the incomprehensible love of Christ. We will hear the seven last words of Jesus on the cross and be surrounded by the gift of sacred music.
Easter Services – Join us for one of our Easter Sunday services.
Sunrise service 6:30AM in front of Church, 8:30AM in Heritage Hall, 10AM in Sanctuary.
**Easter Egg Hunt to follow 10AM Service on the playground/labyrinth area.**