Our plan is to resume in-person worship on November 28 offering two identical in-person Sunday worship services, alongside continuing an online and television option.

Your decision to worship from home or at the building does not define who you are; instead, we invite you to join the service that meets your current needs. We ask you to please fill out the form and press submit.

Hearing from you is vital for our planning.

In-Person Services at 9 a.m. & 10:30 a.m

To make our gathering happen, all guidelines need to be followed to uphold your safety and to reflect our priority of loving our neighbor.

  • We strongly encourage that all attendees be vaccinated to increase the safety of our community. We are not verifying vaccination status upon entry and cannot guarantee all attendees will be vaccinated. We recommend that persons who cannot yet receive or have decided not to receive the COVID-19 vaccine continue to worship from home.
  • Attendees will be required to provide name, phone number, and email address for contact tracing.
  • All attendees will wear masks at all times.
  • Worship leaders will wear masks except while speaking on stage.
  • Physical distancing of 6 feet will be essential for those not in the same household.
  • We will make decisions regarding singing closer to date of resuming in-person following current CDC guidelines.
  • Coffee hour will not be available for now.
  • We are asking that all attendees avoid shaking hands or hugging for now. (We know… this is such a hard ask!)

Online Service at 10 a.m. and Televised service at 11am

  • Designed for anyone who prefers viewing the service from home, whether due to illness, limited-mobility, or any other reason.
  • Available for all unvaccinated persons, including those who cannot receive the vaccine and those who have chosen to not receive the vaccine.

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