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Upside Down
We take the advice to “Practice Resurrection” seriously at First Presbyterian. Everywhere you look in Central Oregon, you will see people from First Presbyterian loving their community. Between Easter and Pentecost, we will celebrate this ruckus for good through worship, opportunities to serve and nurturing souls that are growing in love for God and the world.
Sundays, April 8 - May 13 we honored and learned more about the justice efforts happening right here in Central Oregon and making a difference for our friends and neighbors.
The stories of Jesus turned ideas about life, love and faith upside down and changed the world. Jesus is one of the greatest storytellers to have ever lived. He captivated crowds and answered life’s perplexing questions with stories. We are living at a time with so many perplexing questions. In this sermon series we will lean in to some of the best stories Jesus told and open ourselves to the life-changing wisdom of Jesus.