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Summary: What is sacred to you? 0:00 Barbara Brown Taylor, Episcopal priest, and author. What [...]
TRANSCRIPT: In the story of creation, God is very busy creating for six days. And [...]
TRANSCRIPT: Our Scripture today comes from the book of Romans chapter 12, verses one through [...]
Are you looking for a meaningful way to give back to the community this summer? [...]
TRANSCRIPT: Our Scripture today comes from the Gospel of Luke chapter 10, verses 25 through [...]
Transcript: Place your hand on your heart. Come on, go ahead this this is actually [...]
TRANSCRIPT: When I was in seminary in Atlanta, my husband, two dogs and I lived [...]
Transcript: Martin Luther King said Jesus calls us to be the Good Samaritan, lifting our [...]
Transcript: I still have a picture from that awful day in December 2010, my oldest [...]
Transcript: Jesus said, I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat. And he [...]
TRANSCRIPT: The psalmist said the earth is the Lord’s, and all that is in it. [...]
TRANSCRIPT: Willimon was a chaplain at Duke University and one day he got a [...]